Aira for Android: is it Accessible?

Aira has developed a system that allows the user to connect to a live agent with a pair of smart glasses and an app on your phone. The agent then relays what is seen through the camera on the glasses, and relays it to the user through the headset or phone speaker via the Aira app. I recently recorded a podcast that shows how to set up the glasses and use the app on an iPhone, but some are wondering if it is accessible on an Android device.

Today, I installed the Aira app for Android on my Pixel, and gave it a try. Yes, it is accessible, but it is a little different from the Aira app for iOS. When you open the app, you are on the home screen where you can call an agent. Instead of tabs, like you see in iOS, you need to select, (Open Navigation Tool), to get access to other features.

After you click, (Open Navigation Tool), you have several options. I will go over each one.

The first one is your name and email address. Click here, and you can see your profile information, make changes to your profile, connect your Uber account to your Aira account, or logout of Aira.

The next one is Home. Click here, and you will return to the home screen where you call an agent for assistance.

The next option is, (My Glass). Click here, and you will be able to refresh your Glass connection, see the name of the WIFI connection, see the battery status of your glasses, an estimated time of how long you can use the glass without recharging, the version number of your glasses, the ability to shutdown the My Fi connector from AT&T, remaining battery charge for the My Fi connector, and finally, the signal strength of the My Fi connection.

Next is Usage. Here there are two tabs. The history tab shows you information about each call, including, agent name, time of call, and duration of call. The Plan tab shows you how many minutes you have used, how many minutes remain on your plan, and how many days until you are billed for the next month.

Next is Wi-Fi. Here you can add a new Wi-Fi network and see which Wi-Fi network is currently the default.

Next is, (Call Support). Here you can see the phone number for Aira support. You can also directly call support from here as well.

Next is Help Center. This will launch Google Chrome, and take you to Aira’s support page.

Finally, there is about. This will provide access to terms of service, privacy policy, and the version number of the app.

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