From Microsoft Garage: Hearing AI: Connecting Deaf People to a World of Sound.

Microsoft Garage is developing another really cool iOS app called Hearing AI. This app runs on an iOS device. It shows the intensity of sounds around you, and it also uses real-time speech-to-text technology to display a written transcription of conversations picked up by your phone’s microphone. Not only can you read what someone is saying to you, but you can also see a display of how loud and soft their voice is while they are speaking.

From the Developer

Hearing AI aims to connect people to the world of sound. The interface allows people to visualize the intensity of environmental sounds in order to gauge the ambience of a physical space. Hearing AI distinguishes between four different types of sound environments and notifies people if there are sudden changes or if sounds are damaging to their ears.
In addition, Hearing AI uses real-time speech-to-text technology to transcribe verbal conversations with an emphasis on visualizing the loudness of speech through typography.

Key Features:

• Visualizations: See the activity, volume, and ambience of the sounds around you. What’s the sound level in the environment? Is it loud enough to damage your ears? Hearing AI will let you know.
• Notifications: Get customizable notifications whenever Hearing AI detects sudden changes and important sounds.
• Speech-To-Text: Be able to not only read spoken conversation, but see the volume of speech excerpts in real-time.

– Team Hearing AI Consists of the Following Individuals:

Anass Al-Wohoush
David Zhang
Jan Clarin
Santina Lin
Shery Sumal
Simon Jinaphant


Barry Steyn
Megha Tiwari
Mina Sabbaghian


Stephane Morichere-Matte


Swetha Machanavajhala
Ivan Tashev
Anirudh Koul
Sarah Morris
Mathew Bennett
Meher Anand Kasam


We were motivated to build this application when we heard a story about a woman who is deaf who almost lost her life as a result of an inaccessible carbon monoxide alarm that rang for two weeks without notice. As we began to look into this incident, we realized that there are many instances where sounds contain cultural or contextual importance but are not accessible to everyone.
If we could leave one message, it’s to be more aware of how the small things that you take for granted in your daily lives are not always accessible for everyone, and that we should all work together to promote a more inclusive society.

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