Google Uses Algorithm Instead of CAPTCHA to Tell Whether You Are a Human or a Bot.

CAPTCHA stands for (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart). In its most common usage, CAPTCHA requires a user to answer a question or enter text that is displayed on the screen. Often the text is not accessible to the visually impaired, and even people who can see can find it difficult to determine the text that needs to be entered.
Google has developed a system called, Invisible ReCAPTCHA, that uses an algorithm to determine whether you are a computer or a human without any input from the user. For many visually impaired users, a CAPTCHA can bring a halt to them proceeding any further on that website; therefore, this solution will not only make life convenient for sighted users, but it will open many websites to the visually impaired that were previously inaccessible.

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