It Looks Like Game Over for Blindfold Games?

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The developer of BlindFold Games appears to be calling it quits after talking to an Apple representative. According to the developer Marty Schultz, Apple’s decision is that unless he merges the 80 Blindfold Games into a handful of apps, they will no longer allow new games or updates to be released.

“From a technology perspective, that’s extremely hard and time-consuming. From a business perspective, that would mean spending hundreds of hours recoding the games, with no possible return-on-investment. Most of the games generate sales in the first three months of the game being released, and I’ve been building these games for 4 years,” he said.

“From a usability perspective, that means the main menus would be ridiculously complex, and the settings screens would be confusing and almost unusable,” Marty says in a blog.

Tell us what you think in the comments blow if you are unhappy with this decision. you can express your opinion to Apple. The accessibility desk is at

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