NVDA Update Supports Audio Ducking and Microsoft Edge.

NVDA 2017.2rc1 is available for download, and includes several updates for the popular Windows screen reader. NVDA now supports audio ducking in the Windows 10 Creator’s Update. Audio ducking automatically lowers the volume of media content so that a visually impaired user can still hear the speech generated by the screen reader.
NVDA has also made improvements on how the screen reader works when using Microsoft Edge, and it has corrected some selection problems that occur when using browse mode with NVDA.
If you would like to go ahead and download the latest version of NVDA, you can do so here.

From the Developer

NVDA 2017.2rc1 has just been released for testing. This is a release candidate, which means that unless any critical issues are found, this will be identical to the final 2017.2 release.
Highlights of this release include full support for audio ducking in the Windows 10 Creators Update; fixes for several selection issues in browse mode, including problems with select all; significant improvements in Microsoft Edge support; and improvements on the web such as indication of elements marked as current (using aria-current).

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