– CVS introduced Spoken Rx™, a new feature of the CVS Pharmacy app that can read important prescription information out loud.
Developer Releases App to Reduce Risk of Diabetic Blindness
Retina Risk allows those who have diabetes to assess their own risk of diabetic eye disease.
Iluvien Helps Reverse Vision Loss for Diabetics
A product developed by a Georgia based company is barely visible to the eye, but it’s changing how diabetics see.
Engineers Develop Glowing Contact Lens That Could Prevent Blindness
Engineers in the US have developed a glowing contact lens technology that they claim could help prevent blindness in millions of people with diabetes.
Leading Accessible blood glucose Meter Pulled from Market
The leading blood glucose meter for visually impaired people has been withdrawn from the market.
Glasses Demonstrate the Effects of Uncontrolled Diabetes Leading to Blindness
“Retinopathy is not curable,” says Anna Klineberg, a senior psychology major at Rice University who worked on the project with her teammates at Rice’s Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen. “As soon as you get it, you can’t prevent it from happening and it will get worse.
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