Japanese company Kubota Vision plans to begin selling its smart glasses that treats myopia to Asian markets in the second half of 2021.
Blind Japanese Inventor to be Inducted into the U.S. National Inventors Hall of Fame
Chieko Asakawa, an Osaka-born computer scientist, is among 19 innovators who will be inducted into the U.S. National Inventors Hall of Fame.
Japanese Artist Uses Unique Technique for Blind People to See Her Paintings
Japanese artist Liku Maria Takahashi has been holding exhibitions of paintings that blind people can feel and smell.
Japanese Doctor Develops New Technology for the Blind
Chieko Asakawa, a Japanese doctor and inventor, is developing a new technology that will aid visually impaired individuals. Her passion for advancing technology for the visually impaired started when Asakawa had a swimming pool accident when she was 14 which caused her blindness. She is now working with other companies to improve the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help people live a normal life.
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