Windows10 Technical Preview for Phones is here:

Windows10 Technical Preview for phones is now available for the following devices: Lumia 630, 635, 638, 730, and 830.

Notice that high end devices are not available. Microsoft says that there is a partitioning problem that will be resolved by adding a partition stitching tool into the installation. They do not give a time frame for this update, so persons with other devices do not know when the preview will be available to them. There are not that many changes. A list will be provided below, and it is quite buggy, which was expected. Microsoft has warned that installing the preview can cause loss of data or damage to your device. Therefore, Cool Blind Tech is not responsible for any problems caused by installing this update. In fact, we strongly recommend that you do not install the update at this time.

Another reason to hold off is that there are not many changes added. A list of the new features will be provided. Also, many of the existing features in Windows Phone 8.1 are no longer working properly. Finally, there are accessibility issues with the new build.


Here is a list of the new features provided by Microsoft:

The following are the new features currently available in the build released yesterday.


Microsoft has confirmed that new Office universal apps for Word, Excel and PowerPoint, new Mail and Calendar Universal Apps, IP-based messaging from Skype and others are coming in the future builds.

Here is a link to a video from Microsoft that highlights the new features available.


Here is a list of some known problems with work arounds included if available:


If you still want to install the preview, even after hearing all the reasons not to, here is a step by step instruction on how to do so.

First, sign up as a Windows Insider, if you haven’t done so already.

Next, install the Windows Insider app on your phone.

Open the Insider app, sign in with your Microsoft account, select slow or fast install, fast install is recommended, press the next button.

Here you will run into an accessibility issue. The next button is not accessible while Narrator is running. You must turn off Narrator and get sighted assistance to get to that button.

After you confirm that you wish to proceed, the Insider app will say that you are done. Next go to phone update in the settings menu. Your phone should be checking for the update already, but if it isn’t, manually check for the update.Now, you will go through the very long process of downloading, installing, and configuring your phone. It took me about two hours.


Once again, we recommend that you not proceed with the installation because of the risk to your data, the risk to your hardware, and because Microsoft has stated that the accessibility features will not work properly in this version of Technical Preview.

We are not liable for any loss caused if you proceed with the installation of Windows10 Technical Preview for your phone.

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