You Can Now Change Your Google Assistant in to a Male

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Google just added “Voice II” option under the Assistant Voice settings menu in the Google Assistant preferences. Selecting it gives you a male AI assistant across all your devices; be it the iOS app, a Pixel phone, or the Google Home speaker.

Listen here to Voice I and Voice II side-by-side:

How to switch to the male Google Assistant voice

  1. Launch the Home application.
  2. Tap on the Menu icon on the top left side of the display.
  3. Under the Google Assistant subheading, select More settings.
  4. Under Account, tap on Preferences.
  5. Select Assistant voice.
  6. Here you will find a list of available voices. You can tap on the blue speaker icon to hear a preview of each voice. Select the voice name you wish to set for all of your devices that have the Google Assistant built-in.

How to change Google Assistant’s voice using the Assistant

  1. Launch Google Assistant by either long pressing on the Home button or saying “Ok Google”.
  2. Say or type “change your voice.”
  3. Google Assistant will play an example clip of its other voice and ask if you would like to change it to that.
  4. Say “yes”.

You can always change it back later by asking it for the female voice again.

Source: Android Police

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