In this episode we get into the basics of doing some midi recording. You’ll hear the lovely Steinway Grand Piano on a childhood classic while learning some concepts of how GarageBand handles recording. Grab a copy of GarageBand and lets dive in!
Keyboard Commands Covered in this Episode:
- K = Toggle Metronome on/off
- Shift K = toggle Count In on/off
- R = Start recording
- SpaceBar = Start/Stop Playback (technically play/pause), Stop Recording
- Return = Go to beginning of the project
- Command K = Toggle Musical Typing Keyboard on/off
- Q = Quantize (Defaults to 16th Note)
- Option+UpArrow = Transpose MIDI note up a semi tone
- Option+DownArrow = Transpose MIDI Note Down a semi tone
- Option+Shift+UpArrow = Transpose MIDI Note up an octave
- Option+Shift+DownArrow = Transpose MIDI note down an octave
- Command+Option+S = Add a New Software Instrument Track
- Period = Move Forward by Measure
- Comma = Move Backwards by Measure
- Command+T = Split Region At Playhead
- S = Solo Selected Track
- M = Mute Selected Track